
OH&S Extreme Weather Training

With the heat of summer rapidly approaching, UWU is holding the next round of their regular OHS Extreme Weather at Work training.

All workplaces can be impacted by extreme weather, and whether it’s heatwaves, bushfires, smoke, flooding or cyclones – extreme weather events are becoming more common and more severe as our climate changes.

It’s really important to know your workplace health and safety rights in these situations, what kinds of actions you can take, and what the responsibilities of your employer are too.

This training is held online and is a participatory workshop, you will have opportunities to share your experiences, thoughts and develop plans with other like-minded UWU members.

Upcoming training dates:

  • Tuesday November 23, 11am-1pm (AEDT)
  • Wednesday November 24, 6pm-8pm (AEDT)
  • Wednesday December 8, 6pm-8pm (AEDT)

Click here to RSVP: https://unitedworkersunion.typeform.com/to/yCWxnTG8

By the end of this training you will:

  • Understand and feel confident articulating that employers are responsible for controlling all known workplace risks to workers health and safety, including any stemming from extreme weather and climate change
  • Feel confident you can cease work, on paid time, whenever there is a serious and imminent risk to workplace health and safety 
  • Be able to identify and recognise the impacts of extreme weather and climate change on workers and workplaces
  • Begin to brainstorm actions you can take in your industry and workplaces around extreme weather and climate change

If you would like any further information, please email Luke – luke.skinner@unitedworkers.org.au

Click here to RSVP: https://unitedworkersunion.typeform.com/to/yCWxnTG8

We look forward to seeing you there.

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