
Delegate Training & Planning

A group of AEAV Delegates from Ambulance Victoria and ESTA gathered at the end of January to complete some training in Bullying and Harassment through OHS and representing members in the workplace.

Delegates are Union workplace representatives who are workplace leaders. They take a representative role to support their colleagues to advocate for their interests in relation to workplace issues, and can also be involved in developing and supporting campaigns for improvements to workplace conditions.

They discussed the obligations on the employer to protect workers from psycho-social health and safety issues which includes bullying and harassment in a workplace context, and they also looked at rights that workers have in this area. They heard about rights of HSR’s and how important HSR’s are in identifying and managing psycho-social hazards.

Through the Clean Up AV campaign, delegates discussed ensuring maximum participation in the VEOHRC review and considered options and recommendations that Ambulance Victoria could adopt to improve workplace culture and stamp out bullying and harassment for good. Ideas involved education of all workers, regular reviews of bullying and harassing behaviours, 360 degree recruitment processes and more.

If you are interested in undertaking training, becoming a union delegate or participating in a campaign, please contact Lauren at [email protected] to get involved or to find out more about the role.

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