
Letter to Dept of Health re: Rosters Wage Theft

On the 13th of July, the union wrote to the Department of Health to outline previous engagement with the department regarding underpayments occurring within Ambulance Victoria for staff working in the Rosters Department.

Union Secretary Brett Adie was assured by Peter Cordova on the 12th of May 2022 that the Department was taking the matter seriously and was committed to providing a detailed response once the Department had sought legal advice around the end of May.

Almost three months on, the union has still not received a satisfactory response from Ambulance Victoria. Union members continue to provide high service while their employer undervalues them and steals their wages.

The union is now preparing to take legal action and has given the Department of Health the deadline of July 20, 2022 to respond.

Read the full letter through the link below:

AEAV letter to Dept of Health re Rosters Increments – 13 July 2022

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