
Work Stress Factsheet

Workplace stress is a serious workplace hazard that can particularly affect workers in the Ambulance Industry because of high intensity work, high levels of overtime and critical incidents.

How do I know if I am stressed?

Stress can affect you in both physical and psychological ways. Low energy, headaches, upset stomach, insomnia, irritability, depression, feeling overwhelmed, low self-esteem, avoiding others and frequent sickness such as colds can be symptoms of stress.

What can I do if I feel stressed?

Some suggestions for reducing stress are:

  • Talk to friends, family members, mentors or a mental health professional
  • Get support with household chores
  • Undertake activities you enjoy – many people suggest that cooking, reading a book or gardening assist in improving mental health
  • Check that you are sleeping enough
  • Get more organised – for example, prepare for the following day the night before
  • Exercise each day, or do yoga and meditation
  • Consider taking a break from whatever is causing the stress if possible

What support can my employer provide?

Seek support from your workplace by accessing Employee Assistance Programs such as VACU or Benetas. If you feel that you will need additional support, contact a health professional, or seek a referral from your GP.

What if I think the stress is causing me anxiety or depression?

Seek support from a health professional. If the support is work related, complete an incident report, and speak to your HSR.

If workplace stress causes you to require medical attention or time off work, you may be entitled to workers compensation and should contact the AEAV for further advice.

What should I do if I have questions or I think there is an issue?

Contact the AEAV via phone or email for more information, or speak to your local HSR.

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