
AEAV member challenges ‘boys club’ culture and wins

The AEAV recently represented a member who applied for lateral transfer into a management position. The member was fully qualified for the role both in experience and qualifications.

After applying for the role, AV decided that it would retrospectively change the job requirements for the position.

The AEAV believes the only reason AV sought to retrospectively change the job requirements was to ensure the applicant would not be eligible and to keep the position vacant for a member of the ‘boys club’ who was currently acting in the role.

After the member was notified that AV had no interest in transferring her to the role she was qualified for, she sought assistance from the AEAV.

The AEAV and the member knew that it was going to be a fight because the AV Executive were involved and behind the decision to retroactively change the position requirements.

Despite the clear display of corruption and inequality, AV refused to even organise a grievance meeting with the AEAV member as required by its own Grievance Policy. It took approximately two months from when the member lodged a grievance for AV to even contact the AEAV and acknowledge it had no interest with advancing the grievance.

As such, the AEAV notified AV that we would take the matter to court to resolve. A submission was also made to VEOHRC. At the 11th hour AV advised it had reviewed the matter and received AV Executive sign off for the member to receive the lateral transfer.

This matter took over 2 months to resolve and left the member stressed, anxious and fearful of retribution for exercising her legal rights against the ‘boys club’.

If AV is still acting like this in the middle of a VEOHRC investigation into AV culture, it is clear AV Executives and the ‘boys club’ are using the investigation as a smokescreen to hide behind whilst they continue to protect their own.

If you feel your career progression is being held back because of retribution or favouritism to the Executive’s mates, then contact us at [email protected] or call on 9287 1713.

We will not shirk the fight.


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